
From settings section you can change general app settings like app name, culture and much more.


Admin Email: Admin email address

Application Path: Application’s absolute path

Domain Name: The name of the domain

Auth Cookie Name: Name of the cookie which is used for the authentication

Audit: Enable audit functionality

Secret Admin URL: Admin UI virtual path

Maintenance Time URL: Local or external path of maintenance page

Maintenance Time: Switch to the maintenance mode


User Interface

Application Name: The name of the application

Default Paging Size: The default page size for all grids

Default UI Language: Default app language



Redirect After Sign In: Redirect members to this URL after sign in if there is no back link

Redirect After Sign Out: Redirect members to this URL after sign out if there is no back link

Mail Domains: Restricted mail domain list with options:

Allow All (Including from the list)

Deny All (Excluding from the list)

Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc): This is a copy of an email message sent to a recipient whose email address does not appear in the message. Action: registration, activation, changing password.

Add member to a role if password failed: Assign role to a member if password has failed n-times. You can use built in role Blocked or use your custom role in order to be informed.

And redirect to: Redirects to the URL if account has been blocked


SMTP Settings

SMTP Host: SMTP server host used for sending emails (e.g.

SMTP User Name: SMTP server's username used for sending emails

SMTP User Email: The user email for SMTP account used for sending emails

SMTP Password: The password for the SMTP account used for sending emails

SMTP Port: The port for SMTP server used for sending emails

SSL: Enable SSL connection between application and mail server.

Send Emails via SendGrid API- platform allows you to use your SendGrid account for sending emails.

Send Emails via Mandrill API - platform allows you to use your Mandrill account for sending emails.



Self-Registration: Enables self-registration functionality.

Self-Activation: Enables self-activation functionality.

Reset Password: Enables reset password functionality.

Self-Registration Roles: Add roles to members after self-registration

Self-Activation Roles: Add roles to members after self-activation




From this section you can decide whether API is globally enabled or disabled on your system. Generally, API is used for communication between your platform and other applications.

Secret URL: The URL which is used for API method execution.


You can change the application look by selecting another theme.


Public UI language: Default language for Sign In, Sign Out forms

Reload label files: Reload all label files and load new if they exist

Social Networks



You need to register your application with Twitter. That means you should have your production URL ready before you start connecting it with Store4. When you finish registration, you will receive consumer key and consumer secret. These unique credentials will help your app to interact with Twitter. You can view your all registered applications on and to register for a new app you need to visit


It is recommended that users are able to authenticate with Facebook when socializing to maximize the exposure and promotion of your application. To setup Facebook on Store4, first thing you need to do is to retrieve the App ID and App Secret (it is based on oAuth 2.0), so you’ll need to register your application on

The Facebook/Twitter API token are saved in the database (and updated after expiration date), so you can use that to have an access to Facebook/Twitter API.

Google, Yahoo and other OpenID providers

You don’t need any key for those providers, so just enable or disable the possibilities.

LDAP (Active Directory) Settings


You can use LDAP directory to authenticate members. It can be mixed mode (LDAP + admin database will be used in the same time) or LDAP only mode. A member will be automatically added to the admin tool database if authentication was fine. You have possibility to add member’s group to the admin tool database as role by “Add group as role” option.

When connecting to AD you can use “serverless” binding or you can specify a server bound to use it always.

Here’s an example of using both:

Type URL Example
Serverless LDAP://dc=domainname,dc=com
Serverbound LDAP://domainControllerName/dc=domainName,dc=com