Within Stock section you can access your Inventory, Suppliers and Purchase Orders.
Inventory represents all products and services your company has. Of course only the ones, you have added to Store4.
Below is the example of Store4’s inventory grid:
You can sort your inventory by InventoryID, Content #, Customer, Total and Issue Date.
Below are search filter options for inventory :
You can filter your inventory by published/unpublished items, and by its category.
Products grid shows lists of your products. Below is the example of products grid:
Add new Product
To add a new product please click on the ‘+’ icon in the right screen corner and you will be redirected to “Add New Product” page.
- Product - Name of your product
- Supplier - Select your Supplier
- Product type - Select Product type
- SKU - Stock keeping unit
- Buy Price
- Barcode
- Wholesale Price
- Initial Stock Level
- Retail Price
- Initial cost price
- Unit of Measurement
- Sort order - Position
- Tags
- Publish date
- Description
To edit any previously added product in Store4, you can do that from three dots menu or select it from grid and afterwards click edit from action controls.
- Product - Name of the product
- Supplier - Products supplier
- Product Type - Choose product type
- SKU - Products SKU
- Wholesale price
- Barcode - Barcode of the product
- Retail price
- Initial Stock Level - How many products do you have in inventory
- Unit of measurement - Pcs, M, l , g, kg.
- Initial Cost Price - Type in initial cost price
- Sort Order - What will be products position in grid
- Buy price
- Description - Enter brief description of the product
- Publish date - When this product was published
- Tags - Enter tags for this product
- Active checkmark - Is this product active or not.
Here is the example of Suppliers grid in Store4:
As you can see in the example above, in your Suppliers grid you can see supplier name , suppliers logo and the date which shows when supplier was created.
Adding new Supplier
To add a new supplier please click on the ‘+’ icon in the right screen corner and you will be redirected to “Add New Supplier” page.
- Supplier - Suppliers name
- Tax Number
- Description - Short suppliers description
- Additional Info - Enter suppliers additional information.
- Categories - Select category for supplier
- Tags - Enter tags for supplier
- Supplier logo - You also can upload picture for supplier, note that you can upload a JPG, GIF or PNG file. Maximum file size limit is about 4 Mb.
Editing Supplier
If you wish to edit supplier, you can do so by clicking edit button from three dots menu, or via dashboard’s action controls on bottom right corner of your screen.
- Industry - Select suppliers industry from drop down menu
- Type - This field is autogenerated
- Company size - Please select suppliers company size
- Operating status - Suppliers operating status
- Primary phone
- Secondary phone
- Fax - Suppliers Fax number
- Toll-free phone - Suppliers toll-free telephone number
- Mobile phone number
- Email - Suppliers email address
- Website - Suppliers website
- Address - Suppliers street address
- Address #2 - Street address #2
- Country
- City
- Company Locations - Suppliers company locations ( Headquarters, storage locations etc.)
Here you can add aditionall contacts for this particular supplier
- Gear menu from where you can add, edit or delete contacts for supplier
- Here will be the list of all contacts for this supplier
Purchase Orders¶
A purchase order sets forth the descriptions, quantities, prices, discounts, payment terms, date of performance or shipment, other associated terms and conditions and identifies a specific seller. Also called order.
Here is the example of purchase orders grid in Store4 :
As you can see in the example above, you can see PO id ( Purschase Order ID), document id, date when it was created, who is supplier ( suppliers logo), cost price and status of purschase order .
From gear menu you can quickly Mark PO as received, or copy it elsewhere.
From additional menu , as shown below, you can Preview, Edit, Download order as PDF file and/or print this order.
Filter Options
Below are filter options for Stock. You can filter your Purchase Orders, by Status, Customer, Assigned Member or by Date.
New Purchase order
To add a new purschase order please click on the ‘+’ icon in the right screen corner and you will be redirected to “Add New Purchase Order” page.
- Select Supplier
- Document # - Document ID, this will be automatically filled with your Store4 preference, but if you wish you can edit it manually.
- Reference #
- Bill To - Where the bill will be sent
- Issue Date - Date when the bill was issued
- Assigned to - Assigned person
- Ship to - Where the product will be shipped
- Stock Due - Stock due is the expected date when the stock/product should arrive to customer
- Currency - Payment currency
- Email - Customer email
- Totals Are - You can choose from Tax Exclusive or Tax Inclusive
- Item name - Name(s) of the added item(s)
- Quantity - Items quantity
- After
- Discount - Enter discount
- Tax - Enter Taxes
- Plus icon - Add new item to purschase order